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67 Publikationen

Rauschert, C., Seitz, N.-N., Olderbak, S., Pogarell, O., Dreischulte, T., Kraus, L.

Subtypes in patients taking prescribed opioid analgesics and their characteristics: a Latent Class Analysis


Frontiers in Psychiatry: Addictive Disorders, 13(918371). doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.918371


Sucht, 51 (Sonderheft 1), S40-S48


Sucht, 54 (Sonderheft 1), S26-S35

Kraus, L., Pabst, A., Piontek, D., Gmel, G.Jr., Shield, K.D., Frick, H., Rehm, J.

Temporal changes in alcohol-related morbidity and mortality in Germany


European Addiction Research, 21 (5), 262-272

Rehm, J., Probst, C., Lev-Ran, L.

The addiction concept revisited


In P. Anderson, G. Bühringer & J. Colom (Hrsg.), Refraiming addiction: policies, processes and pressures. The Alice-Rap project (S. 102-116). ISBN: 978-84-697-1647-2. Available online, www.alicerap.eu

Gomes de Matos, E., Hannemann, T.-V., Atzendorf, J., Kraus, L., Piontek, D.

The consumption of new psychoactive substances and methamphetamine - analysis of data from 6 German federal states


Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 2018, 115 (4), 49-55. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2018.0049


International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 3 (2), 159-168

Rehm, J., Anderson, P., Gual, A., Kraus, L., Marmet, S., Nutt, D.J., Room, R., Samokhvalov, A.V., Scafato, E., Shield, K.D., Trapencieris, M., Wiers, R.W., Gmel, G.

The tangible common denominator of substance use disorders: a reply to commentaries to Rehm et al. (2013a) [Letter to the Editor]


Alcohol and Alcoholism, 49 (1), 118-122

Olderbak, S., Möckl, J., Manthey, J., Lee, S., Rehm, J., Hoch, E., Kraus, L.

Trends and projection in the proportion of (heavy) cannabis use in Germany from 1995 to 2021


Addiction. https://doi.org/10.1111/add.16356

Seitz, N.-N., Lochbühler, K., Atzendorf, J., Rauschert, C., Pfeiffer-Gerschel, T., Kraus, L.

Trends des Substanzkonsums und substanzbezogener Störungen. Auswertung des Epidemiologischen Suchtsurveys von 1995 bis 2018


Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, 116(35-36), 585-591. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2019.0585

Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit