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ESA Cooperation projects

Collaboration with international projects Data of the Epidemiological Survey of Substance Abuse (ESA) are repeatedly used within other international research projects. In the last years, the following projects (selection) were supported:

European Web Survey on Drugs 2021
Principal investigator: Dr. Sally Olderbak
Duration: 15.03.2021 - 30.04.2021
Funding: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction EMCDDA

From March to April 2021, adults in 21 EU countries - including Germany - and in Switzerland who had used one of the following drugs within the last 12 months were surveyed online: cannabis (hashish or grass/weed/marijuana), cocaine, ecstasy /MDMA, Speed/Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Heroin, New Psychoactive Substances (NPS, also called Legal Highs or Research Chemicals).
For more information, methodology, findings, etc. see the EMCDDA Website:


Joint Action on Reducing Alcohol Related Harm (RARHA)
Principal investigator: Patricia Pissarra (General-Directorate for Intervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, Lisbon)
Duration: 01. 01. 2014 – 31. 12. 2016

With the project „Joint action on reducing alcohol related harm“ the European Commission stimulates EU member states to establish joint actions with regard to the five priorities of the European alcohol strategy. One of several aims of the project is to enhance knowledge with regard to alcohol use and alcohol related problems through a better access to international comparable data.

Within RARHA, ESA data on alcohol use and alcohol use disorders collected in the years 2009 and 2012 are used.

Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project (ALICE-RAP)  
Principal investigator: Peter Anderson (Newcastle University), Antoni Gual (University of Barcelona)
Duration: 01. 04. 2011 – 31. 03. 2016

ALICE RAP is a European research project, co-financed by the European Commission, which started in April 2011 and aims to stimulate a broad and productive debate on science-based policy approaches to addictions.

For the project, German data on the use and negative consequences of use of tobacco and alcohol are used. Surveys from the years 2006, 2009 and 2012 are included.

Gender, Alcohol, and Culture: An International Study (GENACIS)
Principal investigator: Sharon Wilsnack (University of North Dakota)
Duration: since 01. 01. 2001

GENACIS is a collaborative international project with the aim of deepening knowledge in the field of gender differences in consumption patterns, correlated and predictors of alcohol use and alcohol related problems. Therefore, centralized data are collected and standardized methodologies are applied.

ESA data on alcohol use and alcohol related negative consequences from the year 2000 were used for the project.

Summary of the available evidence and experience in use of scales to assess forms of cannabis intensive use within general population surveys
Principal investigator: Ludwig Kraus (IFT München)
Duration: 01. 12. 2007 – 31. 10. 2008

Aim of the project was to summarize theoretical concepts, existing instruments and research activities in the EU with regard to problematic cannabis use and negative consequences of use.

Data on the use and problematic use of cannabis collected in the ESA survey 2006 were used for the project.

Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit